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Lark: The trendy and inviting neighborhood bistro is a rustic-chic space that has cultivated a strong happy hour following and also stays open for post-midnight nibbles on Friday and Saturday nights.It's a relatively intimate space as far as Boystown dance clubs go, but that makes it all the more fun when you want to get closer to someone. Scarlet: This cosmopolitan, upscale gay lounge and dance club is known for its dandy drink specials and sleek decor.Mostly, it's simply a pulsing venue for dancing to some of the best music in the neighborhood. Hydrate: This eclectic dance club has earned a loyal following for its imaginative theme nights and occasional lube-wrestling competitions.The bar serves exceptional craft cocktails and boasts a nice selection of craft beers. The name is meant to evoke the idea that the LGBT community has come a long way toward being inclusive and all-welcoming, and indeed, the crowd is fairly mixed.

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